How do I join Centre Stage? Do I have to audition to join?
Centre Stage operates as a society of members, not a company of actors. You do not need to be a member to join our mailing list or to attend a social, and you do not need to audition to join us. You can join as a member at any time by emailing our Membership Manager. Everyone is welcome; whether you are an actor, or whether you want to help out backstage, choreograph, paint sets or direct! Our only requirement is that you are over 18.
If you want to perform in one of our productions, you will need to audition for that show specifically, and you must be a member to do that. You can join in advance, or you can pay membership through our booking system when you book your audition slot. You will also need to be a member if you join the crew or creative team for one of our productions.
Joining is really easy and our annual membership fee is only £15. Drop us an email at and we'll give you our bank or PayPal details. Once you've paid your membership fee, that's it - you're a member!
What happens once I'm a member?
You can join our members-only Facebook group, and you'll also receive regular membership newsletters and emails with updates on everything going on with Centre Stage, including news, audition announcements, sales information and sneak peeks from rehearsals. You'll be able to audition for any of our shows in your membership year, and you'll be the first to receive audition announcements. You'll also be able to benefit from a members-only pre-sale window to buy tickets for our shows before they go on general sale. And lastly, you’ll also receive invitations to members' masterclasses and our ever-popular socials.
Do I have to be a member to be on your mailing list?
No, it is free to join our mailing list. If you're on our general mailing list you'll still get our audition announcements, but members get them first! Email to request to join the mailing list.
If I'm a member, will I be in the next show?
Being a member doesn’t mean you will be automatically cast in a show – all members have to audition for each show as per the show’s audition requirements, even if they’ve been with us for years! Each show requires different cast sizes, however we aim to choose shows that allow for maximum involvement from all our members – we want to give everyone as much opportunity to appear on stage as possible. All casting decisions are made by the show’s production team based on auditionees’ talent and fit for the show. Our shows generally have a healthy mix of members both new and old. If you are not cast, there will be opportunities to help out backstage, with set design and build, with front of house etc.
How many shows do you do a year?
Traditionally, we produce two main stage musicals at the Bridewell Theatre, and two cabarets, venues based on the requirements of the show. However, each year is slightly different and we choose our season based on the pitches we receive. In the past we have also put on a Summer School and in our 50th year we also produced a ball and a staged concert musical. To see this year’s season, click here, or to find out how to pitch for next year’s season click here.
When are your next auditions?
Check out our auditions page to see current audition information, or sign up to our mailing list to get advance notice of all auditions.
I'm an actor, but I don't sing/dance, can I still get involved?
We are primarily a company that produces musicals and cabarets and as such all our shows require some singing. We do not currently have any "straight" plays planned. If you are concerned about your vocal or dance ability, please email the production team or come along to the pre-audition workshop if one is being held. You don't have to be a member to come along to a pre-audition workshop.
I haven't had any professional training, can I still get involved?
Our members come from a wide range of backgrounds - we have members from 18 to 60 something, some of whom have had a lot of professional training and many of whom have had none. We know that there are many of you that used to work professionally and now have other careers but still want to perform in an amateur environment - equally we warmly welcome those of you with zero training who just love to sing and dance! Come to an audition and show us what you've got! Our production teams look for potential at auditions, not perfection, so we strongly encourage you to just give it a go.
Where do you rehearse?
We rehearse in various Central London locations, including Liverpool Street, Shoreditch and Camden. The specific locations will be announced in the welcome pack for each show, but will almost always be Zone 1. We are also on the continuous hunt for a permanent home solution, so stay tuned!
I have a full-time job, will I still be able to participate?
The vast majority of our members work full-time. We rehearse in the evenings and at weekends. Typically, a cabaret may rehearse on one weeknight and a weekend day (for example: Wednesday evening 7pm - 10pm and Saturday 11am - 4pm); whilst a large-scale show may rehearse two weeknights and a weekday (such as Tuesday and Thursday 7pm - 10pm and Saturday 11am - 5pm). This will vary show to show, but you will not be expected to attend during the average working day. Rehearsals tend to intensify nearer to show week, and there is an expectation that you will attend "Get-In" (where we bring the show into the theatre space - this can take all day, and is usually on a Sunday), plus one or more Tech and Dress Rehearsals in the evenings immediately prior to the show dates. All attendance expectations will be fully laid out in the audition notice.
Do you offer internships?
Unfortunately, we are unable to offer internships - we are a charity staffed entirely by volunteers who work in their spare time, and we have no full-time staff. The charity is run by an elected Board of Trustees who volunteer their time alongside their full-time jobs. We then use volunteers as crew and creative for each individual production who work with us in their free time. If you are in London and would like to volunteer your time to help on a specific production we would love to have you join us.
I want to direct/musically direct/choreograph a show for Centre Stage!
Brilliant - check out our Pitch Process here.
Still got a question? Email us!
Frequently Asked Questions